Monday, 19 May 2008

All that Gender Confusion... And the aftermath

Gender stereotypes 4tL

Talk about things being blown out of proportion... (Just as planned...) So the all-girl's round robin thing has not only successfully garnered a hell lot of female(?) support, but a lot of uh, everything else as well (lulz)

Oh, like I'm one to talk (I've yet to go above self-linking and probably never will)

Anyways, since that post got an obscene amount of comments (OMG, more than 10! The tears cannot stop flowing T.T), I'm branching out here to write up some 'meaningful' replies and settle this whole issue here once and for all (so that I can go back to my 'usual' blogging 'schedule'. Yes, look forward for more man-love posts :P *oh there goes the readership*)

Queer Eyed Straight Guy said...

I can't believe I read through the whole thing hoping you'd reveal your gender.


ps I know Nagato's real gender (:

issa-sa says: Oh, Shin, you are just too easy... XD (I'll trade you Nagato's secret for better buldge-concealing panties, you sick-ass. The eye surgery bill is going to YOU)

Taiyaki said...

Oh, so you're a trap! =P

usagijen said...

lulz. so are you a trap, issa?!

issa-sa says: Like we need another one around these parts?

Lupus said...

Yeah, gender shouldn't matter. We all know there are no girls on the internet anyway, right?

Off-topic, but since you mentioned pageviews, I suggest you move off blogger if you want to get any. It's ESPECIALLY HIGHLY recommended if you want to get comments, because everyone and their pet godzilla hates Blogger's captcha.

issa-sa says: Yes, the current Blogger is probably a poor choice in terms of functionality aesthetics and whatever else being a hald decent blogger requires. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wished that the commenting interface was more user friendly (I certainly wish I could edit my own respond comments because I'm a lousy typist) amongst other issues. Of course it's still possible to implement all the 'cool blog stuff' into a Blogger blog, just that it'll take a certain amount of know-how which I currently do not possess nor have the time to learnup right now. The most I can do is copy and paste random bits of code into my template like I did to get the 'continue reading' function on my posts, and even then it's still not very pleasing to the eye and gives me a hell lot of trouble when I publish posts sometimes T.T

However there's a chance I won't have to bother with all those troubles for long. As Randall hints in his comment,

Randall Fitzgerald said...

.... Also, don't worry. You won't be my only non-gender identifying blogger at dasaku. :D

[issa-sa:] ...yes I've also sold myself applied to join the dasaku network - because what better way to reaffirm this blog's sad status than with 'worthless' plastered onto it - literally! Also, if you've noticed, this is now officially the place where "Nothing is Incredible!" (Thanks to whoever it was in Yukan blog who came up with the description which I'm stealing =P - though I do wonder what exactly is being implied here... cos I sure know for a fact that Iim not making anything remotely incredible out of nothing here... -_-" ). Anyways, thanks to Randall for giving Tondemo Nothing the greenlight =D and if all goes well there'll be a new domain for me to tinker about with (and hopefully not a boatload of Wordpress issues to go with it)

Anonymous said...

Actually, yuri is for both girls and guys. Yuri Hime, the prominent yuri manga magazine, has only a 30% male readership. This statistics was mentioned in some interview. They made a special sister magazine, "Yuri Hime S," that's specially targeted to males (indicating that the main one isn't).

Erica Friedman said...

Okazu, while definitely by a woman, isn't manga focused, its just that there's more Yuri manga than anime. I also review Live-Action and novels, where they intersect Yuri.

issa-sa says: I probably came off as too general (Sorry, Erica if you found that I misrepresented your blog in any way). Actually the yuri for guys and yaoi for girls thing is rather rubbish imho, especially in the case of yuri which I've found to have a broader appeal since it has more roots to the emotional, while BL has a tendency to teh smex for the sake of pleasing the rabid fujoshi smex. There'll always be exceptions of course, but... another time.

And now to the real meat of this post:

Randall Fitzgerald said...

It is meant to be a big sack of elitist horseshit, just like all things that attempt to seperate one group out into another.

As a prime example, show me a single instance of a female blogger not being respected on the same terms as a male blogger in the community? Of all the women I host, I can't think of a single one who is thought of as less important that any given male blogger. "Sticking together" is stupid because no one is trying to divide the female bloggers. They're not a fucking minority.

issa-sa says: Poor Randall's receiving all the flack for smelling the potential 'elitism' :P

I seriously doubt anyone with any sense these days would want to start a group with elitism in mind, though I do think that we should be wary of that worst case scenario-like possibility of it turning out to be like that. Also I don't think this all-female collaboration was borne out of necessity for shelter, we've since advanced past the dark ages of women oppression thanks to efforts like Saiunkoku's Kou Shuurei (there I go mixing fiction and reality again...), certainly so in anime blogging where as Randall points out, there never was a dark age for women to begin with (minus that ABC April Fool's fiasco)

But really, girls got to do what girls got to do XD I don't believe 'sticking together to protect ourselves from the nasty boys' or "Guys Suck, let's band together to slice off those e-p3n0rS!!" were any of the original intentions of this endeavour. Girls may prefer to stick with 'their own kind' to discuss things relevant to themselves, as do guys, so guys start one of your own while Nagato and I decide which side to join!

Also there sure has been a hell lot of gal bloggers who've responded to the call, doubtless a good portion of them not exactly familiar names to most of us readers. Why there was probably a time back no too long ago that if you were asked to name 3 female bloggers your answer would probably be something along the lines of "Hinano, Hinano, and err... Hinano?" (no offence to everyone else, that was how my own narrow view of the blogosphere used to be) So in a way it's great that this round-robin calls some attention to the small time (gal) bloggers of our community. Now if we can have a "Small-time Male and Unidentified Bloggers of the Rebellion"...

usagijen said...

well this 'movement' is not meant to set this elitist distinction between guys and girls, it just so happens that there's no virtual community which unites female bloggers together at the moment (unlike the guys who have their #ab channel), so they can talk about a wide range of topics, especially certain topics which they'd rather discuss among fellow girls. I mean, won't it be better to discuss things like "women's bias against so and so", with fellow women? something like that...

blissmo said...

Between you and me, I'm not so into the all girls thing since i dont mind about the gender issue thing. hey, most of my time guys talk to me about "guy stuff" and i just normally play along cos thats wat i do... ...and ive always thought that guys are better than girls most of the time, which is probably a bad thing cos everyone lives in equality?

issa-sa says: In real life especially, there are subjects that girls will only speak of to girls and guys to fellow guys (well, if they can help it). Only a major dickhead of a guy would walk into a room full of females and announced "I JUST HAD THE BEST WET DREAM!" and not even the worst bimbos would want to describe their 'once a month experiences' intimately with a pack of hungry wolves (XD) as crude examples. The round-robin may very well serve as a 'slumber party' type gathering of gal anime bloggers who may be tired of 'playing along' with 'guy stuff' since that's what you have to do to fit in in this otakusphere.

Nagato said...

Hmm well, I was inclined to label you as female. I guess that's unfair since I've taken pains to avoid being labelled myself. xP

@ Shin: Ha, you wish! >_>

issa-sa says: No worries ;D (And for the record, I thought you were a guy... and that Shin is a girl masquerading as a guy masquerading as a newhalf =P)

blissmo said...

...but i also originally thought u were a girl!

issa-sa says: What's stopping you from continuing?


Wait. Crap! Issa is a male?! I thought it was one of those cute girls who has a raspy voice that sounds like a male... I jest. I knew.

issa-sa says: If I was a girl In real life, I'm really like Ogiue (with worse hair). Or I could just be saying that to get a fan.

lanie-emon said...

All of this is making me dizzy, lol. Oh well, got nothing against the female blogger circle, really.

issa-sa says: Ditto on both points.

Caitlin said...

It keeps eating my comment :(

But I'm sure someone will come up with the female version of circlejerk soon.

issa-sa says: Why am I thinking Dango Daikazoku's circle of dangos...

Os said...

You know, with all these posts, I dont know whether to take this seriously or not. I've been thinking the entire time: "No one's really stopping you for chiming in with the rest of the ladies anyways. I could post on the same subject if I wanted..."

Fight the power... brother?

issa-sa says: Nothing is going to stop the rest of the blogosphere who aren't officially part of the round-robin from posting on the same topics when it eventually comes to it, in fact this will most certainly happen since ideas are scarce nowadays knowing this blogosphere =P I'm sure that there was zero intention of excluding bloggers not in the round robin from posting their own opinions -in fact the opposite should be true- once the ladies have something to say about something, that should prompt everyone else to give their 2 cents. That's Spiral Power at work for you!

And last but not least...
Marmot said...



issa-sa says: If there's anyone who did sign up for the round-robin who isn't 'what you claim you are', then I suggest you pull out quickly lest Marmot finds out you've been tainting her orgy XD Shin will gladly accept you though ;)

Finally, I do believe that it shouldn't really matter what the blogger's gender is (unless he/she writes in a way hat calls attention to it in a relevant fashion. And as Sasa says, we're all either internet guys or internet girls online, so that 'gender' should be the one that you pay attention to if you really must), so long as the material and writing style appeals to the reader, that's as fine a job as a blogger can do really ;)


Anonymous said...

I swear it's getting weirder and weirder at times ^^...

Anonymous said...

The majority of people who have expressed interest so far...I've never heard of most of them. Hinano, Hinano, Hinano. So even if this entire thing flubs or becomes so obnoxiously intarweb sorority orgy that I have to leave, it at least brought forth that there are a good chunk of female bloggers out there. They just don't yell as loudly.

Anonymous said...

Let us all pray for a common sky, blue and pristine, for all guys, gals and trapz to gaze upon together.

What say you?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be so adverse to starting out own (NOT FOR ELITISM!) group for bloggers with unspecified genders.
Problem is, I can only think of two members. :(

Unknown said...

YOU. ARE. AN. ANGEL. I mean it. You’ve cleared up the major concerns and issues [and then some] that various people have been flinging at this R-R. I couldn’t have explain any of these things better myself [now that I can just link back to this post].

“Nothing is going to stop the rest of the blogosphere who aren't officially part of the round-robin from posting on the same topics when it eventually comes to it, in fact this will most certainly happen since ideas are scarce nowadays knowing this blogosphere”

You hit the nail on the head. We have NO intentions of stopping the other bloggers from posting about the same topics or ideas. If anything, we HOPE that they will post their own thoughts and opinions because that would mean acknowledgement and successful networking.

We didn’t start this R-R because we viewed this as the “Dark Ages” of the internet, as you’ve stated. It really is just as simple as a bunch of girls coming together to meet one another and talk about things that they would feel more comfortable talking about amongst members of their own gender. Our topics range anywhere from sexual fantasies to gender marketing. The girls appreciate hearing each others’ opinions on the grounds that they are of the same sex and therefore share certain levels of inherent understanding for each other.

On a personal note, thank you so much for taking the time to write this post. It means a lot that you put in the effort to think through the different points that people have brought up and answered them fairly. You’ve single-handedly saved me countless migraines and helped lower my blood pressure. I owe you big time. BTW, do you mind if I link to this post? I’ll likely end up shamelessly referring to this post in the future.

Anonymous said...

ahahaha... are we really catching manginas already??? even boys want in.

Anonymous said...

Gender means nothing. We are all comrades in arms and that is enough.

Anonymous said...

Fine, I'll still consider you a female.

And I gave you that description! Joining dasaku are we? I'm not on A LOT but I do go on occasionally