Who needs Kawasumi Ayako and Noto Mamiko when you have Sawashiro Miyuki and Shintani Ryoko
You know I wish I had something relatively intelligent to say about Kure-nai since it's really a series that deserves that much in a post instead of my crack irrelevant ramblings, but...

Am I the only one who was totally creeped out by the fact that they probably used the minimum number of frames possible for Tamaki the entire time she was talking with her face close to Shinkurou's? (Okay so she did make one extra movement - shifting her face closer still to Shinkurou's at one point, only her profile remained exactly the same -_-") It's made even obvious when Shinkurou was constantly moving (away from her) and his facial expressions were way more animated (not exhibited well by my choice of screenshots -_-") during the scene, while it only seemed that Tamaki could only just manage to execute that incredibly complex process of moving her lower jaw up and down as her voice actress spouts her choice inappropriate lines at Shinkurou...
Maybe she's just worried that she hasn't gotten a tetanus shot.
Yet another "Is it just me, or..." moment from yours truly. Bear with me, I have 12 pages of kanji to write and rewrite as Maths homework at the moment... ORZ Now if you were looking for something wordier and analytical about Kure-nai to chew on, look no further than the newly revived Epic Win (a post which thankfully quelled my horrid suspicions that Guff and Orion had once again gone MIA after announcing that they are, indeed, alive and well quite a while ago...).

Yayoi is so ronery ;-;
I thought I watched this already, but turns out I haven't!!! XD
Well I'm glad this post was of SOME use if it reminded you to watch Kure-nai :P
I have not started. Please don't kill me.
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